are you lost. . .?

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Stock Market Sent My Net Worth Downnnnn Since Last Week!

The Big Idea This Week:

Set A Life Vision, Something That Reminds You WHY. We All Need A Purpose.

What I Tinkered On

Have you ever felt lost? Not sure where to go next? Stuck in a loop of inspiration and stagnation? (fancy words amiright)

I know you have because we ALL do. Everyone has a dream, a vision of who they want to be. How they'll succeed. But a lot of times that vision is a cloudy mess. No north star to show the way.

Goals. . .

Not your typical "I want to lose 5 pounds" or "I want to read 2 books". No. More impactful than that.

I'm talking about a Life Vision. Something you can read that reminds you of WHY you keep going. Your own north star.

Here's a picture of mine to give you an idea. . .

Life vision

You Can Split It Up Over Any Categories You Want, I Thought This Was Simple Enough

What I Learned

I finished up The Magic of Thinking Big this week. Might be my favorite self-help book of all time! The last section is on leadership. What stuck out to me was a question the author says to ask yourself.

"What is the human way to handle this?"

Many of us get caught up in rules, regulations, and hierarchy.

Few are self-aware that we're monkeys wearing suits. We're playing a made-up game, with made-up rules.

You can make better decisions and be more likable by treating people like people. Not like cogs in a big machine.

P.S. You can only have one desire, what would it be? (most important to you)

Reply here, look forward to seeing some of your thoughts. (if you're reading the email..0)

~ Dylan